Live Your Best Life: 5 Day Online Guide

Hey mommas! We are so glad you are here to join us!

Allow me to first introduce myself. My name is Bri! I am a momma, author, creator of Mom's Cafe Blog and now launching Mom's Cafe Blog's School with Teachable!

In a nutshell, I am an everyday life mom, experiencing everyday struggles, trying to make it, all while helping other mommas make it too!


Recently, I've gone through a pretty major family emergency. Thank God things are all okay now, however, this experience shook me up to say the least and has been the catalyst for my current changing lifestyle. Let me explain...

Throughout my life, I have experienced several setbacks, struggles, traumas life goes. I am MORE than sure all of us have our own stories to tell, of the many storms we've gone through. Perhaps, you are enduring one as we speak. But here's the thing I've learned through it all...

Traumas or any terrible life event, as devastating or trying as they can be, possess a certain beauty. The gem-like quality they possess, are the ability to jump-start someone into change...for the better!

Post-recent events, with the hospitalization of my own mother, I began to re-prioritize my existence in its entirety. I could no longer be complacent as I was before with what I thought held the most value, what caused alarming stress levels and what took up most of my precious time. I was unhappy overall but I was also conflicted.

I was not lacking in any area. There was a roof over myself and my daughter’s head, loving family, good job, food on the table; Everything was seemingly fine, so what was causing such misery? I can describe my feelings as having all of the ‘pieces to the puzzle’...but were somehow assembled in the wrong order and from my own standpoint, the picture distorted.  

Prior to this particular family emergency, I had noticed my own angst. I was experiencing moments of depression and despair but could not quite put my finger on the cause. I’ve pointed the same finger just about everywhere, questioning…’Well maybe it’s the long work hours? Maybe too many bills? Should we downsize? Maybe I am not skilled enough. Maybe I’m undeserving…"

This was diminishing my quality of life. I was missing out on wonderful moments, things to cherish and not enjoying the blessings I had. Literally the LIFE was being sucked out of me, and I couldn't seem to replenish my own joy.

Being fed up with the merry-go-round, I decided to get off the ride.

This momma no longer wanted to feel defeated. Not from external factors and definitely not from the internal. I chose to Live MY Best Life. After all, we only get one!

Welcome to an online, 5-Day Course of Change, where I get to share the simple YET beneficial steps I have taken to improve my life. By being here, you have taken the second step on this journey.

Your first was deciding to Live Your Best Life!

Hey lovely, while you're here, be sure to check out all of the wonderful downloadable spreadsheets just for you!


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